Low-cost, short term exercise programs promoting early movement and exercise
What is it?
- 4-week exercise program
- hydrotherapy, gym or home exercises
- One month access to gym or pool if required
- Up to 4 exercise consultations
- Brief assessment and reports included
Who is it suitable for?
- Sprain/strain/soft-tissue injuries with moderate to high risk of chronicity
- For non (or minimal) exercisers, fearful exercisers, or pain-restricted exercisers
- Sub-acute injuries
- Medically guided / medically appropriate
- Referral within 4 weeks of date of injury
- Promoting early exercise and movement following injury
- Restore normal movement patterns and risk of chronicity
- Short program duration with emphasis on promoting self-management at completion (reduced costs and reliance on treatment)
- Low-cost – reduced assessment and reporting costs
- Final report included with recommendations on ongoing treatment (including exercise rehabilitation)