10 fun ways to get moving for Exercise Right Week and beyond

10 fun ways to get moving for Exercise Right Week and beyond  teaser image
It’s Exercise Right Week, the annual campaign that encourages Australians to get moving while building awareness of the role Exercise Physiologists play in giving the ‘’right’’ advice about exercise as medicine.

And we couldn’t be happier with this year’s theme, which is Exercise For The Right Reasons. Activities that deliver so much physical, mental and social benefit to us should never be seen as a chore or begrudged weight-loss tool – exercise is something to be celebrated! 

READ MORE: How to lift your mood and fall in love with exercise

So to help reframe your collective thinking and attitudes to exercise, we’ve put together a snazzy list of 10 fun ways to get moving for Exercise Right Week and beyond.

We hope it will help reset your internal dialogue about exercise and remind your inner child about how much fun can be had when you move more!

10 fun ways to exercise for the right reasons

  1. Join a fundraising challenge: Thanks to the pandemic, many charities have had to move their fundraising efforts online, with exercise challenges involving walking, cycling, swimming etc being extremely popular. Why not get involved in one while enjoying the added benefit of fundraising for a worthy cause? It’ll make you feel wonderful in so many ways!
  1. Dancing:  Whether you join a local class, crank up your favourite tunes for an at-home dance-off, or host a dance party, this is a high-energy activity that not only gets the blood pumping, but floods your body with feelgood chemicals.
  1. Learn a martial art: You can boost your confidence, self-discipline, balance and flexibility all while getting to meet new people in a safe, respectful environment.
  1. Stand-up paddle boarding: This super-zen activity has so much going for it and lets you enjoy the wonders of nature. Don’t have a paddle board? No problem! There are plenty of board-hire companies throughout the metropolitan area and many actually run classes for beginners.
  1. Trampolining: Remember how we were talking about treating your inner child to some fun?  Remember how much fun you had as a little tacker bouncing about on a trampoline? Trampolining exercises the whole body, while helping improve agility and balance. Woohoo!
  1. Hula-hooping: Here’s another activity reminiscent of childhood, which is inexpensive, portable and fun for the whole family. Hooping is a great aerobic activity that also works your core. Winning!
  1. Rollerskating: This fun activity is enjoying a bit of a comeback and there are plenty of rinks around Perth, with some even holding them nights. A great way to meet new people, roller skating provides a complete aerobic workout and involves all of the body's muscles, especially the heart.
  1. Pool sports: Polo, synchronised swimming, diving and aerobics … you name it and there’s an activity you’re bound to love taking part in at a community pool near you. The best part is, these activities are low-impact, making them great for people carrying extra weight or an injury.
  1. Hiking: We’re blessed in Perth to have some of the world’s best walking and hiking trails (Bibbulmun Track, anyone?), ranging from easy to difficult. Why not map out a plan of attack and get the family together for a natural exploration adventure once a month.
  1. Kick the footy/shoot some hoops: I remember as a child almost being permanently connected to a football or basketball. Why not grab a mate and get your eye in again, with a regular session of kick-to-kick with a footy, or one-on-one basketball. It’s a great way to catch up and have fun at the same time.

Need help to start exercising?  

If you’re keen to get started but have an existing injury, chronic pain, condition or mental health concerns, some expert advice is always a great starting point.

Our team of expert and empathic Agility Rehabilitation Exercise Physiologists are here to help you move safely toward your goals.

You can contact us here, or call (08) 6162 8145.