Gym-based exercise, as the name suggests, is simply exercise in a gym setting. A typical gym facility consists of free weights (dumbbells, barbells, etc), machine weights, cardio machines (e.g. treadmills, stationary bikes), floor space and all sorts of other equipment. Exercise can be performed at home or outdoors with good results, but gym equipment allows exercisers to specifically target certain body parts, on a certain plane (angle), with a certain load. It’s a great way to optimally load whichever body organ your targeting, whether that’s muscle, tendon, bone, lungs or heart.
Gym-based rehabilitation programs are also effective in helping chronically ill or injured people regain full function. Features of our gym-based rehabilitation program include:
- Use of various equipment to specifically target certain muscle groups (or other body tissues) for optimal, progressive loading. Sometimes this can be just with the weight of the limb or body part (e.g. floor or body weight exercises)
- Functional programs- Exercises are tailored to the functional requirements of each individual and incorporate exercises that are task specific. This is particularly helpful when clients are participating in return to work programs.
- Minimize risk of further injury- improved muscles strength, endurance and postural awareness can help to reduce the risk of re-injury when the client is returning to pre-injury activities.
- Pain and stress management- The effect of endorphins produced during exercise, particularly aerobic exercise, have been shown to reduce pain and stress. This can be an effective management tool for patients suffering from chronic pain